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Bloomberg:“Russian wheat is far cheaper,”

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    Edm East on 5.5" from seeding to harvest close to Penhold 70 bu/ac average on 600ac harvested.
    100bu/ac last year on normal growing season 12" rain.



      You might think the conservatives are doing a good job for you but locally my closest point gets missed for spots regularly.

      They have added more costs to my farm to the benefit of yours.

      Glad you are blinded by idealogy and keep your blinders on. Your conservative mps count on that type of support.


        Tom are you sure your not a liberal? Cause I m certain you must be smoking drugs sometimes.

        Getting rid of the cwb means quicker payment. It has also meant terrible delivery options less trains for other grains to many out of the way terminals.

        Wheat is dead unless it's feed purposes. If you want to talk politics. The optics if getting rid of cwb were good just like bombing in the Middle East but the reality without a plan they both ended up creating cluster fs in both events.
        Very poor governing. And people are realizing this everywhere on every issue.



          Good points.

          While I agreed with getting rid of the cwb. Selling it to an end user made no sense.

          They don't have to use any market exchange for price determination.

          But it still makes no sense for canada to be fighting a middle east war as an expense while the Saudis build assets in canada. If potash was worth protecting as a strategic resource many ag should be as well.


            CPS Red Penhold or Conquer could be looking at.


              Welcome to the new face of competition, better hope efficiency and lower cost handling and shipping starts to enter the industry. Eroding farm values as a chief source of global competition will not be enough; welcome industry to a whole new arena.


                A new big NH combine today is around $750,000 cdn. There may be reality checks on more then just farms in the coming years.



                  Bunge DOES use futures on the vast majority of Canola bought... and they provide "Act of God' protection on 1/3 of Nexera Canola Contracted. Plus they pay the freight to Crush Plant door.

                  Dealing with end users is great; they are a wonderful part of our farm. We see what is needed... and respond to make the best product for them. Seeking Value is the key to healthy marketing relationships. On both sides.



                    Don't need to smoke dope... enjoy being a farmer... growing good food for a hungry world is fun!

                    Now with the CWB monkey off my/our families back... and freedom for our family farm,,, we can work to create value for our families and friends next generation!

                    Why my forefathers started here in 1881!

                    Thanks for the insults... guess increase your satisfaction when pushing the 'Submit" button!

                    Bless you!


                      So what shit variety are you growing in Rose Coloured Alberta.
                      Finest feed wheat around.



                        Good thing you can look past the fact that the Saudis were allowed to buy a strategic resource in canada.

                        BHP wasn't allowed to do that.

                        Harper and the rest of them are selling out canada. Oh well you won't notice when you are an infidel.

                        Gotta start looking past the end of your nose Tom.


                          In the 90's during that wheat glut era, the Americans used EEP to export wheat and gain market share. Now currency values are allowing Black Sea exporters to push their supplies on the world.

                          It's not Harper, crooked grain cos, and this time not even the CWB keeping values down. There's a glut of wheat worldwide, stagnant demand, and economic woes elsewhere that's at fault.


                            But the American farmer still has a bankable support program.

                            To the point it really doesn't matter what the price of wheat is. They know they are supported and by extension a valuable resource to the economy.

                            Not so in Canada.


                              You mean the world never was, or will ever be, in danger of starving?


                                Lots of value in feed wheat tom?

                                Our programs have been destroyed by Harper. The u s a and other countries have programs which make the world price irrelevant most often.

                                But he has good programs for foreigners to buy us out and all of our resources.


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